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2020 Greater Atlanta Magician of the Year

Congratulations to Eric! His significant involvement and contribution to the club and magic community was amazing!

Eric Schuster

2020 TIP Lecturer of the Year

Joe's presentation on Tarbell in the Parlour was exquisite!

Joe M. Turner

These are our current award winners! We like to celebrate our magician of the year, TIP lecturer of the year, those who received the president's award, and our coveted royal blue pin winners. Check out memory lane for all of our past winners.

Award Winners

2024 Continuous Membership Award

What Sets Them Apart

This is an opportunity to honor those members who, through their ongoing membership and long-time contributions to the club, serve as the foundation for the club we are today. While many of our members have been committed and loyal to the club for a long time, we award this honor in a given year to those who hit a 5 year milestone, starting with 5 years.

2023 Outstanding Service Award

What Sets Them Apart

This is an opportunity to recognize those members, who over the prior year, have volunteered their time, energy, and resources for the betterment of Ring 9 and the support of magic in Atlanta. To be awarded this honor, an individual member must meet a threshold of 30 points that represents contribution and service via monthly, annual, or ad hoc events, activities, elected/appointed leadership, attendance, performance, and helping of others. Those who are listed here have truly shown extraordinary and meaningful impact and value to The Georgia Magic Club.

2023 Continuous Membership Award

What Sets Them Apart

This is an opportunity to honor those members who, through their ongoing membership and long-time contributions to the club, serve as the foundation for the club we are today. While many of our members have been committed and loyal to the club for a long time, we award this honor in a given year to those who hit a 5 year milestone, starting with 5 years.

2020 President's Award

Bill Packard